Content Marketing

Content marketing can give your business the boost it needs

Have you wondered what the fuss is about content marketing?

In order to make your business stand out these days, you will need more than a website. You just do, even if it’s a beautiful one, and here’s the reason why. It’s simple:

There are many of you out there. I’m sorry to say.

There are many of me out there as well if it makes you feel any better. So, what, in this new world of information/media blasting overload and intense competition, will make you and your business stand apart and get noticed? Are you a doctor? I work with a number of you. The number of medical practice websites has more than quadrupled in the last 6 years. Getting noticed as the clear choice of specialists is getting harder and harder unless you are in an industry with no competition.

So what sets you apart?

 Your reputation-hopefully a good one- for sure,
 The quality of your work or products,
 Yes, your great customer service, for sure.

But guess what? Your competition also has a great reputation, gets referrals and has great customer service. And they give full refunds, no questions asked. So. Back you are at square 1.

In keeping with the quality vs. quantity theme, be advised that one of the newer Google algorithm changes, called Panda, is busy targeting and pinging sites with low-quality content, not enough “fresh” content and content that is written for the search engines, NOT for people, specifically, YOUR PEOPLE.
These sites get penalized for violating these parameters, and their search traffic drops. I have seen this happen time and time again. It has less to do with how much content was there but rather the quality content, which you can read more about here.

So, content marketing……

Rather than making yourself crazy creating more- more- more,  it is much better to concentrate instead on what makes your business stand out, what sets your business apart, and then showcase those differences, your uniqueness IN YOUR CONTENT.

We create the type of content your ideal client will click into and respond to because it resonates with them. That’s not to say that along with this content you shouldn’t be adding accompanying keyword rich text,  and quality and relevant back-links. And of course, if your ideal audience responds to images, which so many do, remember to include alt text for your images, or the search engines won’t be able to find it at all. A lot to remember.

  • Need a content marketing strategy? One that will establish you as a thought leader in your industry?

  • One that will make you the first resource they think of when they need a service you offer rather than your competition? (ie Top O’ Mind)

  • One that will convert to sales? Customers? Clients? Patrons? Patients?

  • Need help with this? Or better yet, someone to do it for you so you can stay focused on your business?

Contact Us

Let’s talk about your content and create a strategy for growing your online presence. 

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(203) 733-8578


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