You have a Facebook page, a fairly substantial “list” that you send out to on a fairly consistent basis. You tweet. You are a busy so and so. Why do you also need to be creating all this “content”?” What’s the real reason?

Let’s discuss amongst ourselves:
In order to make your business stand out these days, you will need more than a website. You just do, even if it’s a beautiful one, and here’s the reason why: there are many of you out there, I’m sorry to say. There are many of me out there as well, if it makes you feel any better. So, what, in this new world of information/media blasting overload and intense competition, will make you and your business stand apart and get noticed? Are you a doctor? I work with a number of you. The number of medical practice websites have more than quadrupled in the last 6 years. Getting noticed as the clear choice of specialists is getting harder and harder, unless you are in an industry with no competition.

So what sets you apart?
• Your reputation-hopefully a good one- for sure,
• The quality of your work or products,
• Yes, your great customer service, for sure.

But guess what? Your competition also has a great reputation, gets referrals and has great customer service. And they give full refunds, no questions asked. So. Back you are at square 1.

The businesses that are knocking it out of the park these days-the ones that are transforming their businesses into cash machines- are the ones who are using content marketing smartly. It’s also the company that’s under promising and over delivering, giving extraordinary service, serving you efficiently, and accessibly. They’re also generous with their “stuff”. What “stuff” ?

Well, watch this video: I lay it all out. And then some. And then please comment. What have you seen that is brilliant content marketing? Tell me in the comments.

How to Transform Your Business Using Content Marketing



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