by Suzen | Content Marketing, email marketing, Mobile SEO, SEO, Social Media, Traffic, WordPress
Notice something different? Omaginarium is proud to announce the launch of our brand-new website! We hope you enjoy our new modernized feel, user friendly features, and visually exciting layout. Speaking of new websites…we thought we would take this opportunity to...
by Suzen | Branding, Optimized Website Design, SEO, Traffic, WordPress
Are you experiencing….website shame? You’re not alone. Knowing when it’s time to update a website can be overwhelming and confusing. Typically website redesign conjures up images of designers and agency types huddled in conference rooms brainstorming...
by Suzen | Mobile SEO, WordPress
This is the 2nd of 3 guest posts by SEO Guru Alex Miranda. If you missed the first post on the Google mobile friendly website requirements, read this first. Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you already know about the Google friendly mobile update....