Digital Marketing Blog 

Secret to a Successful Blog = Secret to a Successful Networking Group

So how does this relate to the relationship of a great blog and a great networking organization? What’s the success formula? Keyword: interaction. Or conversation. Another keyword: relationship building. The secret to a successful blog and a successful networking group is all about those two elements: building trust and confidence in your services through ongoing dialogue and interaction.

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5 Most Effective Strategies to Expand Your Network

Here are my top 5 techniques designed to increase your exposure and expand your list of targeted clients. Try them and be consistent and disciplined with them, and I promise that within 6 months you will have increased your presence in front of an audience that looks forward to your involvement and needs your services.

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5 Time Saving Systems Must Haves for the Small Business Owner

If you’re looking to grow you can’t do it all on your own. You just can’t. Your foundation must be laid so that you can be freed up to do your thing. You know, your thing? The thing that makes you money.
A smart and successful small biz owner has back up, and I’d love to share my back up tricks honed from trial and error throughout the years that have saved me countless hours of unproductive work.

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Email Marketing : alive and well

As much as we’d like to believe that when we write our blog or post an amazing offer on our website, the Gates of Heaven will open up, the angels will sing, and the world will be a better place because of our fab new content. Truth is, until we’ve really marketed that content via many channels on a continuous and consistent schedule-to the social networks, social news sites, the search engines, the bookmarking sites, commented on others sites, linked to authority sites, etc., we need emailing as an avenue as well to spread our word.

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Little Pink Spoons; Offer a Sample

Let people sample your services, your products, and your wares. It’s the best form of marketing out there, besides a recommendation from a prior customer. Just as Baskin Robbins offers their “little pink spoons” to sample a flavor, and Costco invites you to eat your way through the store sampling new items, a free seminar, webinar, report or chapter of a book to give potential customers a “taste” of what they could have with the whole package is a smart way to market a product, and if done well and generously, will peak peoples interest in what else you have to offer.

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Affiliate Marketing to Monetize your Blog

Affiliate Marketing: an excellent way to market other companies’ products or services and make money while you’re at it. You place a link or a company icon with a link to their service on your site, and every time someone clicks into it and purchases that product through that link you get a piece of the action. It’s that simple.

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VIDEO: Why Blog ?

the road to blog readership is for most of us, a long and somewhat painful one. Some of this cannot be helped –it is just the nature of the blog beast. A blog, like any other form of marketing, takes time and patience to grow its’ traffic. That being said, it’s a great way to grow your following and is so DO-ABLE!

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Reputation Management and Review Site-itis; Do Good Work and the Rest Will Follow

Seth Godin says it well: ”The web changes everything it touches, sometimes in significant ways. Travelers ranted about poor service for a generation, but once the internet makes it easy to rank and sort and connect, the service has no choice but to change. Some businesses see Yelp and others as a tax, a burden they have to pay attention to in order to stay relevant, and they grumble about it.”

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