Digital Marketing Blog 

Live! With Suzen and Jennifer!

Many months, long middle of the night terrorizing dreams, sleepless nights when not having terrorizing dreams, countless lists, artfully covered gray hairs and more than a couple of new forehead lines later, it seems that our “Soft Launch”- the free event that will serve as the “taste of”… is really going to happen today at 1PM, 10 AM PST.

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Channeling My Inner Mompreneur

EXACTLY 7 days and zero minutes to the launch date of our Mompreneur tele-summit, aptly named momtomompreneurnow. So sue me, but I’m going to hold that when someone puts so much blood sweat and tears, not to mention more than a few sleepless nights into a project, that they have a right to squawk a bit about it.

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I Screwed Up: my story

Last week I made a big oopsy. Keeping it in context, was it as big an oopsy as the Samsung tablet oopsy they are now having to deal with with Apple? Well, no. However, in my typical overly enthused manner I accidentally sent Aliza Sherman, IT Rock Star, founder of Cybergrrls and, and author of a plethora of books; a speaker who commands thousands upon thousands of dollars to speak globally, an email that read, and I quote:
“Omfg. this is too easy. obviously these folks know something that we’re just beinning to catch onto!!”

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Branding Chinatown

At the end of the day 14 year old Madisyn is going to believe what she’s going to believe, and yeah, she knows she messed up by putting it in her back pocket with it’s crazy pink cover screaming “take me!”, but still….Chinatown? In her mind from here on out? BAD. What a drag.

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Scratching My Niche

we’d be targeting-other “mompreneurs”. But then it came to me- and for this and this alone I am so glad I attended this conference…..who really needs these skills? Who really needs advice on how to cut through the myriad of choices, and on how to make smart choices- talk about needing to “Work Smart Not hard?” Why single moms, of course (and dads actually)(they’re out there). These are my peeps

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We Like Fiverr!

I’d heard about it a few months back when looking for a quick graphics piece for my website that I was having trouble recreating. When I got to the site my graphics issue was soon thrown to the wayside as the “gigs” posted were so entertaining and funny that I got lost in “fiverr –land” and forgot all about my graphics until later that afternoon.

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The Anti Social Online Marketer

Being an online marketing consultant, one cannot divorce oneself from Social Media, and I don’t. It’s value in growing relationships and business growth cannot be denied and I write about it all the time. I am just a total failure at keeping up at it on my own, and I’m finally giving myself permission to say “that’s ok. It’s not my specialty” Thank God for my trusted pal Onlywire.

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How to Lose a Good Customer or How to Create a Lifelong Customer

We all have choices these days — many, many choices — in where we choose to do business. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because this is the deal in today’s frenzied world of choices: It’s the business that goes the extra mile that wins your business. A bank is a bank is a bank. Rates are pretty much even no matter where you go, and all have similar services with not many differentiators. What’s the difference in where you choose to place your money? Customer service. Being treated really well, and as though you matter.

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8 Great Tips to Increase Your Blog Comments

Probably the #1 biggest issue I get from frustrated, beleaguered bloggers is that of the empty comments box. I know, I’ve been there, and often times, I’m still there, resorting to a steady stream of urgent pleas for interaction from my faithful posy. I know you’re still jonesing for ways to increase comments on your blog. It’s ok, I get that too. So here are 8 Great Tips To Increase Your Blog Comments:

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