Digital Marketing Blog

Let Me Walk In Your Shoes, TOMS
Last week in mall: Daughter: “every time you buy a pair of shoes from TOMS another pair is donated to children across the globe that can’t afford shoes” Me: “True. And yet, still pretty pricey!” Daughter: “Can I have 2 pairs? I really want to give” Me: “ummmm….sure?”...
read moreAirbnb Marketing Vine: Monday Marketing Masters
This campaign was a double whammy: Founded in August 2008 and based in San Francisco, California, Airbnb a community site for people to list, discover, and book unique rooming spaces around the world online or from an smart phone, has spread like wildfire not just...
read moreWill It Blend, Viral Video Series Genius
This campaign ties for first place in my book, tying with the Charmin Sit or Squat campaign that launched the Monday Marketing Masters (let’s just call it the MMM) series. I’ve mentioned this campaign before because I am in such awe of it, but it is definitely worthy...
read moreHellman’s Takes the Mayo With the Hellman’s Recipe Cart
The Hellman's mayonnaise brand took an innovative approach to product awareness with its recent high-tech supermarket campaign in Brazil — one that resulted in a 68% increase in sales, reported. Outfitted with a touchscreen device, the company completed...
read moreI’ll Have My Traffic Organic Vs. Pay-Per-Click, With Cream
I hate paying for things that I could be getting for free. I’ve even been known to cut my own hair, much to my kids chagrin. And so it’s only fitting that I devote a vast amount of my workday and passions to the ever exciting, ever evolving, ever challenging game of...
read moreWant to Monetize Your Facebook Page? It’s time to Pay to Play
For all those wondering what has happened to your Facebook presence, or as I like to call it in the biz, “Facebook Effect”, take note: you are not crazy. Organic views, which, at one time was displayed for all who liked your page, are now way down. The only way to...
read moreThe Big Secret to Creating a Memorable Blog
Do you have a website with great content but, alas, are not getting the traffic you were hoping for? You’ve done all the things we've walked through in the Traffic Series , shared your content throughout social media, optimized it up the wazoo, but still your missing...
read more8 Top Tips to Increase Blog Comments
Probably the number 1 biggest complaint I get from frustrated, beleaguered bloggers is that of the empty, lonely comments box. I know, I tell them, I have been there, and often times, I’m still there, resorting to a steady stream of urgent pleas for interaction from...
read moreFacebook Tweaks That Effect You; Link Share Posts Do the Trick
It is no secret that Facebook has gotten a tad greedy since it’s IPO and is now trying to squeeze the gajeezers out of every last one of us. If you’ve been out of the loop and have not noticed the latest Facebook “updates”, let it be known that if you have a Facebook...
read moreReady to Get A Grip in 2014? Pick My Brain
The 2 Choices You Have for the New Year Here’s how I see it: You can either stick with what you’re doing, or you can start doing something new. Really the bigger question is: how successful was your bottom line last year? Compared to your 2012 goals? How about last...
read moreEpic Content Marketing: A Musical Book Review
I really don't know what to say about this other than please be gentle. It's the holidays....and I can't get the darn video to embed no matter how many hours and how many plug-ins (3) I've downloaded to help. I am a huge fan of Joe Pulizzi and both of his books “Get...
read moreThe Step- by- Step Formula I use to Create Killer Traffic to My Blog Posts
So you’ve created an amazing blog post, some of the best content to hit your website yet, hit the publish button, and then waited for the traffic to start pouring in to see your brilliant creation. Unfortunately, all you heard were crickets. Of course your best friend...
read moreHow to Transform Your Business Using Content Marketing
You have a Facebook page, a fairly substantial “list” that you send out to on a fairly consistent basis. You tweet. You are a busy so and so. Why do you also need to be creating all this “content”?” What’s the real reason? Let’s discuss amongst ourselves: In order to...
read more6 Smart Ways to Convert Facebook Likes to Sales
If the Affordable Care Act website goes down in a forest will anyone notice that they can't sign up? Considering they couldn't sign up when it was up ? If a horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "Why the long face", will anyone get the joke? Let's bring it...
read moreWhy Every Small Business Needs to Use Local Search Directories
You’re out running errands and you remember your friend suggested a great new bakery somewhere in town, but you can’t remember the name. So you grab your smartphone and you Google – “Bakery in My Town, CT”. Several listings pop-up. The top two have 4+ reviews and the...
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