Digital Marketing Blog
The 10 Vital Steps I Take to Increase Blog Traffic One Post at a Time
So you’ve created an awe inspiring blog post, some of the best content to hit your website yet, hit the publish button, and then waited for the traffic to start pouring in to read and engage with your brilliant creation which took 4.5 hours to write, edit and...
read moreMy Muhammad Ali Moment
I shared a moment with Muhammad Ali at the 1979 Special Olympics. A more generous guy you never did meet
read moreBest in Innovative Marketing: The Charmin Sit or Squat
Best in Innovative Marketing: A monthly series where I take a moment out of my busy day to give a quick shout out to what I believe to be some of the best and most innovative marketing by a company (small or sometimes quite large) that you'll find out there today....
read moreHow to Keep Your Facebook Fans Despite the New See First Option
This is the first of a 2 part series on increasing your Facebook Page reach in these tough times Frustrated that your Facebook page is getting about as much exposure as a Donald Trump at a Greenpeace convention? Join the club. Yes, Facebook has done it again. New...
read moreHow to Create a Monetized Twitter Campaign
It’s time to showcase the little guy creating great marketing campaigns that can be easily you. After all, it’s not just the big guys with big branding and media budgets who are creating the most creative marketing campaigns these days; it’s the little...
read moreEpic Content Marketing Strategy Book Review: Take 2
What's better than an off key video book review for a large holiday guffaw. Come watch me make a fool of myself with this revival of last years....interesting....singing book review of Joe Polizzi's Epic Content Marketing which, come to think of it, never DID get the...
read moreThe 4 Best Ways to Monetize a Blog
The 4 Best Ways to Monetize a Blog Monetize a blog or website by using the following strategies I outline in this video. Affiliate marketing, writing product or book reviews, using Google Adsense and selling your own products such as ebooks, CD's, training video's,...
read moreHow to Use the Facebook See First Option on Mobile
I've gotten a number of emails since publishing last weeks blog on the new Facebook feature, See First. Thought I'd throw out a quickie on how to use the Facebook See First option on mobile, since more and more folks are looking at our content via mobile devices, as...
read moreGetting Your Website Mobile Ready and Why It Matters.
-This is the 3rd installment from SEO Guru Alex Miranda, on the new Google requirements for mobile "friendliness" and how not to be left behind. If you missed the first 2, come here , and here first. Getting Your Website Mobile Ready and...
read moreEight Steps To Make Your WordPress Website Mobile Friendly
This is the 2nd of 3 guest posts by SEO Guru Alex Miranda. If you missed the first post on the Google mobile friendly website requirements, read this first. Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you already know about the Google friendly mobile update....
read moreBest use of Visual Marketing ; A Monday Marketing Masters A+
I’m not a Game of Thrones fan yet…simply because the last thing I need is another addictive TV series to get sucked into, and because I’m still mourning the Breaking Bad finale. My drama quotient has reached critical mass. That being said, HBO’s Game of Thrones season...
read moreMonday Marketing Master Review: Top 5 Most Creative Marketing Campaigns
It's time for a Monday Marketing Top 5 most creative marketing campaigns, according to moi, featuring my picks of the best of the best of the best and most creative marketing campaigns of the past 5 years. In case you missed them: Suzen's choices of the Top 5 Most...
read moreLowes Fix In Six; Wins My Prize for Best Use of Vine
So I came across this smarty pants marketing campaign because I was looking for a way to keep those dang persistent squirrels who have taken over my yard from eating all the bird food in my bird feeder. Those poor sparrows did not stand a chance, and I always felt so...
read moreThe 4 Key Ingredients of a Killer Viral Video Sensation
Though deep into the bosom of August, I thought todays Monday Marketing Masters session showcasing a 2013 Christmas campaign featuring Canadian airline WestJet would shake us out of our summer doldrums. Here you will see an example of viral video happiness so fabulous...
read more9 Examples of How a 404 Error Page Can Be the Best Marketing Strategy Around
Welcome to the 6th in the Monday Marketing Masters series, bringing you my take on the best of the best marketing and branding strategies out there today. Still chugging! I was watching a TED talk today on a topic only a geek like myself would be attracted to, I...
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